
BASF Radiance Attic Barrier Spray is Now Offered by McFall Builders, Inc.

August 20, 2012

Gainesville’s leading energy-efficient home builder has just added another great service to enhance the overall efficiency of the home, as BASF Radiance Attic Barrier Spray is now being offered by McFall Builders, Inc. BASF Radiant Barrier Spray is specifically formulated to provide more thermal comfort, lower heating and cooling costs, and a simple, affordable solution for providing quality insulation and energy savings in your attic.

Illustration of attic ventilation

McFall Builders, Inc. has been using the radiant barrier paint and spray for the past year with extremely great results. The booth at this year’s North Florida Home Show utilized a mockup of an attic in which one side used the Radiance Attic Spray and the other used traditional insulation. There was over a 30 degree difference! This is huge when you are looking at improving the efficiency of your home. A lot of money is often wasted in the attic, and the spray we use seeks to eliminate this.

When applied by a trained technician, which we are, it creates an effective radiant barrier that stops up to 79% of radiant energy transfer into the attic. What does this mean for your heating and cooling bill? It means it will take less energy to heat and or cool your home, thereby reducing your electric bill.

BASF Radiance Attic Barrier Spray being applied to a house

The way that the BASF Radiance Attic Barrier Spray works is similar in nature to the physics behind low-E glass windows. We are often asked what this “E” stands for; “E” stands for emissivity which, according to Wikipedia, is the relative ability of its surface to emit energy by radiation. The lower the E value, the greater the savings for the homeowner.

We recommend that all of our custom remodeling customers in Gainesville have this applied to the underside of their roof. We also recommend this for our Gainesville roofing customers. If you are interested in having your home sprayed with our Radiance Attic Barrier Spray, please submit your information online.